Xelion news page
Current news items on updates, events, webinars and the marketplace
Xelion strengthens leadership with Robbert Dekker as COO
Thijs reflecteert op zijn eerste jaar als CEO van Xelion
In de webinar over Xelion versie 9.1 geven we uitleg over een aantal handige nieuwe functies en verbeteringen.
ChannelConnect in conversation with Xelion's CEO Thijs van den Ende about optimizing the development process and a successful rebranding.
On October 21st, the updated Xelion apps went live. With this new look and feel, all the features you are used to from Xelion have been designed in an even more accessible way.
In this article, read about all the benefits of cloud telephony for business use and find out why more and more companies are switching to this innovative technology.